ßíäåêñ.Ìåòðèêà Fedor Emelianenko Renews Wedding Vows
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Fedor Emelianenko Renews Wedding Vows Back to list


Fighters.com Heavyweight Champion "Last Emperor" Fedor Emelianenko (30-1) has renewed his vows with his wife, Marina, at St. Nicholas church in Stary Oskol, Fighters.com has confirmed.

The Emelianenkos were already legally married, according to M-1 Global’s PR representative, but the couple wanted to take their marriage vows in a church. Other media have reported the couple was never married. Emelianenko has a 22-month old daughter named Vasilisa with Marina.

For Emelianenko, Marina is his second wife. He has a daughter named Masha with his previous wife, Oksana, both of whom live in St. Petersburg.



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- 0 + Dec 02 2011, 09:57 PM
For me she likes disagree...why ..if him it´s a better man in the world or isn´t??? He likes sport, no drink, no drug, just fight for family....there is not another man in the world like him, you Marina must to be greatfull with God, the best man in the world give to you a pretty daughter, and a better man. GOD BLESS YOU FEDOR and YOUR FAMILY THEIR ALWAYS BE WITH U...and GOD. :)


- 0 + Jul 29 2011, 08:40 PM
God bless you and your family Fedor

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