Яндекс.Метрика Final fight Gran At is postponed …
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Final fight Gran At is postponed …

Feodor has met on a ring Brazilian Antonio Rogerio Nogueira has taken place also. But fight has been stopped ahead of schedule for the reason, that Feodor has received a serious section as a result of the impact put by the opponent by a head. In a result final fight have postponed. Little bit more in detail about the duel:

After fight in rack Noguejra has tried to make a throw. Feodor has reacted, in result after four-minute struggle appeared from above (Noguejra in a position of protection). In comparison with their last fight during which they also have lead the most part of time in this position, Noguejra tried to attack more. Feodor "not get" to the opponent, attacked cautiously, therefore for that time, that they were in an parterre has put Nogueira some impacts. After that there was an incident: Feodor tried to proceed in a position sideways, Noguejra simultaneously lifted a head. When have started to check a condition of a section, it became clear, that fight cannot be continued (to Feodor 11 seams) have been imposed.

According to rules "PRIDE" if one or both fighters as a result of the incident which has happened in the first round,

cannot continue fight (from the point of view of safety for health) fight is considered not taken place.

Fight has been stopped. And in the interview president DSE (the company which organizes PRIDE) informed, that, most likely, fight between Feodor and Noguejra will lead as incorporated (a title of champion GP 2004 and a title of the champion in heavy weight). As he said, fight will take place in this year if the condition of a wound of Feodor on October, 31 if is not present will allow in December. On a question, by what rules the match will be carried out, president DSE has answered, that, probably, on standard (10-5-5), but here, probably, wishes of fighters will be to some extent taken into account.

Fedor, fight source: http://efedor.ru/index_eng.shtml?id=53


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