Яндекс.Метрика Fedor Emelianenko vs. Jeff Monson
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Fedor Emelianenko vs. Jeff Monson Back to list


Fedor Emelianenko vs. Jeff Monson

Fedor, fight


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- 0 + Dec 01 2011, 11:58 AM
WHAT THE FU..!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THIS?????? Sorry, but this is the most booring and stupid fight ever :( Fedor is my biggest idol EVER and he will always be my fight hero, but COME ON!!! Monson had NOTHING to do in that ring!!! And what is Fedor doing???!!! He could finish Monson in the first round easily!! Why is he holding back??!!! Monson had NO defense for low kicks, he couldnt take his strikes, and he had absolutely NO ground skills!!! Sorry, but this was a outrageous DISCRAESE for Fedor, and the fight sport. No hard feelings.. I would love more than anything to get Fedor in the ring again, but not like this!!!

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