Яндекс.Метрика Fedor Emelianenko vs. Fabricio Werdum: Main-Card Payouts and Injury Suspensions
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Fedor Emelianenko vs. Fabricio Werdum: Main-Card Payouts and Injury Suspensions

Fabricio Werdum (0,000) def. Fedor Emelianenko (0,000)

Cung Le (0,000) def. Scott Smith (,000)

Cris "Cyborg" Santos (,000 - includes ,000 win bonus & ,000 champion bonus) def. Jan Finney (,000)

Josh Thompson (,000) def. Pat Healy (,000)

Does this mean that Josh Thompson gets more to show than Cyborg gets for being one of their champions and winning? I have to believe that Cyborg is a bigger draw than Thompson. She was featured on each commercial for the event while Thompson was never mentioned.

These payouts do not include the undisclosed portions that fighters such as Fedor likely received after the show. Maybe Cyborg has a chunk of change coming in a manila envelope.

Poor Jan Finney. I can think of a lot easier ways to make six grand than training for weeks and taking one of the more brutal pummelings in recent memory. Not to mention sharing the money with your trainers and manager.

Finney is also now serving a 180 day suspension due to an orbital fracture. She was also suspended 60 days without contact for facial lacerations and 45 days for her KO loss.

Scott Smith was suspended 60 days for facial lacerations and 45 days for his KO loss.

Josh Thompson was suspended 180 days without contact due to a rib fracture.

Fedor, fight source: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/412802-fedor-vs-werdum-main-card-payouts-and-injury-suspensions


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