Яндекс.Метрика Fedor Emelianenko and 10 MMA Fighters Who Should Change Weight Classes
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Fedor Emelianenko and 10 MMA Fighters Who Should Change Weight Classes

oving up or down a weight class can present a fighter with both an added advantage in the combative realm as well as an opportunity to contest for several or more honors.

If a fighter is having trouble cutting weight, then the best option should be to move up a division, and if said fighter isn’t best suited to his assemblage; i.e., to small, then a drop in weight class could make all the difference.

The aforementioned also applies to fighters who feel they could compete in other weight categories other than their own.

Fedor source: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1062875-fedor-emelianenko-and-10-mma-fighters-who-should-change-weight-classes


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