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10.08.2011 \ Fedor

+ 28 photos

02.13.2009 \ Fedor

+ 10 photos

06.25.2010 \ Fedor

+ 9 photos

M-1 Global

Wrought Iron Fences


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- 0 + Mar 30 2014, 04:38 PM
Fedor, please don't stop fighting!! You are truly the baddest man in UFC, and it's because The Almighty God is with you!! This is your calling FEDOR!! You are such an inspiration to me!! So what you loss a couple of fights. The only reason you lost was by mistake!! You are a better fighter than both the men that beat you. They won by mistake FEDOR!!! You are the best!!! Get back in that ring my brother and do what you do!! FEDOR FEDOR FEDOR FEDOR FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!


- 0 + Apr 03 2012, 02:07 AM
Fedor is my heror my dream is to meet him.But before I do that I got to learn russian.

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