ßíäåêñ.Ìåòðèêà Fedor Emelianenko's UFC Gloves Spark All Sorts of Rumors
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Fedor Emelianenko's UFC Gloves Spark All Sorts of Rumors

For all those that like to play the mystery game, seeing Fedor Emelianenko training in UFC gloves will lead you to believe he might be entering the Octagon soon. However, UFC president Dana White has continued to say there is no deal between the two sides.

Nevertheless, it's always fun to speculate, and seeing Fedor working with the gloves on will only continue to fuel the fire. Emelianenko is set to return to action on June 21 in Russia, though an opponent has yet to be announced.

Check out the video below to see Fedor getting in some training.

Fedor, training source: http://www.opposingviews.com/i/sports/boxingmma/fedor-emelianenkos-ufc-gloves-spark-all-sorts-rumors


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- 0 + Apr 22 2012, 04:27 PM
if frank mir can win the ufc title against jds i dont see why fedor couldnt have a good shot at it. mir is just like lesnar when he gets hit his arse starts twiching like a rabbits nose.dana keeps saying fedor is no good but yet he keeps giving mir a shot no matter how bad he fights ie an out of shape roy nelson hammered by lesnar cmon dana cut the shit talk and sign fedor and give him his run. dana acually praises fighters that fedor has beat so i dont know why he dislikes fedor so much

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